Week 2

This week we've learn much more and deeply on understanding what is creativity. So this week lecture was given by our great lecturer Mustafa Bin Md. Muzer from 10 a.m until 1 p.m.

Defining Creativity-Myth of Creativity

* Only Special Talented people are creative.
- Work much harder then the average person

* Being Creative is Hard
- Once we learn how to easily channel creativity, it becomes second nature to us as easy
as breathing.

- Creativity is an attitude, combine with effort.

* Mostly people will think that "im no creative"
- So what's up with that? No one in this great universe is not creative! Every single person got an ability to think wisely and creatively but it is depends on a person who think very creative or not.

* Hard to brainstorming
- once we get an idea, we should make a brainstorming so that all the idea can be combine and become a great outcome.

* Have to come up only with new develop idea to be creative
- People should think out of the box and develop every idea to be creative.

There is a great formula to be creative :

[ Ability + attitude + process = CREATIVITY]

what is the meaning of...

- a person should be able to think or invent something new or manipulate existing idea to come out with new and great ideas.

- a person should be able to accept any comment, critic and also changes with the new ideas or opinion and they willing to think those other ideas and all the possibilities.

- a person should be able to improve ideas and solutions from time to time.