Week 7

This week lecture it is still about juxtaposition.This week i learn about the rules of juxtaposition. There are 2 important rules that need to be apply in using juxtaposition.This two rules are very important and easy and clear to understood by other. this two rules are important because it will ensure that our juxtaposition can be accept by others just imagine what others would think if we come out with a juxtaposition by not applying these 2 rules. it will of cause gonna be a weird juxtaposition that someone's can came out with. So i've clear enough to apply the important rules in using juxtaposition in my future life.

Week 6

Hello again guys!

Well, as usual i have to post new entry for every single lecture session of Creative Studies in this trimester. This week, I've learn something that i never know before and the topic is kind of attractive. The topic for this week is "JUXTAPOSITION"

So what is the meaning of that word? what word? The "JUXTAPOSITION"!
The meaning or definition of that word is placing variables, side by side and their contrast are shown through comparison. Juxtaposition may refer to two things :

* synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another

* two random objects moving parallel, a technique intended to stimulate creativity

So clear enough that juxtaposition are two things that related or always come together.

Week 4

This week, i have to spread out or brainstorm every single thing about myself. I have to come out with one simple mind map that can tell everything about me. So below is my mind map of myself.

week 4

Hello guys!

So what is all about convergent & divergent thinking?

* it can be consider as all the possibilities and turn it into solution

* it can be consider as all the possibilities that can be develop from the root to the top of it

What is the purpose of MIND MAP?


* Mind map can improve our creativity

* Mind map is the most clear and appropriate

* Save time

* Receptive and more confident

* Flow of thought and new discoveries


* Use emphasis

* Use associate

* Develop personal styles


* Hierarchy method

* Numerical number method